Book now to join us for the annual seminar of the Rural Museums Network.
Sunday 30 September and Monday 1 October 2018
Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse, Norfolk
Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse (part of Norfolk Museums Service) incorporates a museum of life on the land, traditional working farm, historic workhouse and beautiful grounds. The Museum has recently re-launched its workhouse galleries following a major £1.8million redevelopment supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The new displays include evocative workhouse settings, where visitors can stand face to face with projections of staff and inmates and listen to first hand stories, often tragic, sometimes inspirational, from the people who once walked those whitewashed corridors. The workhouse is put into context with accompanying new galleries which explore stories of Norfolk life.
For those able to join us, there will be the opportunity to experience the museum’s annual Horse Power! Event on Sunday 30 September. This celebration of the work of heavy horses will focus on Gressenhall’s traditional farm.
The main business will be conducted on Monday 1 October and will comprise a brief AGM, followed by an extended tour of the new galleries at Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse. A full timetable can be found below.
We very much hope that members will be able to join us for one or both days. For more information or to book, please click here to contact us>>
Sunday 30 September
10.00 onwards – arrival for Horse Power! The event runs from 10am to 5pm, and members are welcome as guests of the museum throughout the day.
3pm – optional opportunity to network with fellow RMN members at the Mardlers’ Rest Café.
Evening – optional self-funded meal in a local venue for those staying overnight in Dereham
Monday 1 October
10.30am –Arrival and coffee
11.00am – Welcome and AGM
11.30am – Learning at Gressenhall – an insight into the museum and its formal learning programme for schools (Jan Pitman, Learning Manager)
12noon – RMN Development Study Update (Sally Ackroyd)
12.15pm – Lunch (provided)
1.00pm – Gressenhall and Voices from the Workhouse (Robin Hanley, Assistant Head of Norfolk Museum Service)
1.30pm – Tour of Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse – Hannah Jackson (Operations Manager), Megan Dennis (Curator), Wayne Kett (Collections Development Officer) and Richard Dalton (Farm Officer) will lead delegates on a tour of museum, the Norfolk Collections Centre large object store and farm, offering an onsite overview of the recent changes and how lessons learned from the project are being incorporated into forthcoming work across the 50 acre site.
4.00pm – Closing remarks